In the spirit of journey to self-reliance, LVCT Health’s Vukisha95 project conducted a two-days orientation meeting with the Homa Bay County Health Management Team, Members of the Homa Bay County Assembly, County Public Service Board as well as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to deliberate on context-specific transition planning for HIV/TB services in Homa Bay County.
The orientation that was graced by County CEC for Health Roselyn Omollo sought to ensure an understanding of PEPFAR/CDC HIV funding mechanisms, ensure an understanding of HIV/TB County Transition program including defining roles of various players as well as review and refine the transition roadmap.
The County Government of Homa Bay initiated a strategic roadmap towards sustainability with the aim of county-owned, county-led and county-funded HIV/TB services, informed by findings of transition assessment with an expected outcome of Human Resources for Health (HRH) transition, increased HIV/TB funding and ring-fencing the county’s health budget.
LVCT Health is implementing Vukisha95, a five-year program funded by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to support sustainable implementation of comprehensive high-quality HIV prevention, care and treatment interventions in Homa Bay and Kisii Counties.