LVCT Health

Disseminating the Violence Against Children Survey 2019 in the counties

Over the last 2 months in collaboration with the Department of Children Services, our team has been meeting different stakeholders within 6 Counties to disseminate the recently released Violence Against Children Survey (VACS). The survey indicates that violence amongst children in Kenya is rampant, with close to half the children in Kenya having experienced at least one form of violence.
These forms of violence have adverse health and social effects on their lives in the short term and long term. The team has also been disseminating the National Prevention and Response plan and child-friendly version, which were released alongside the VACS. The Plan highlights the need to engage all stakeholders across all key sectors such as health, education, security and social welfare, in addressing violence against children.
The meetings have also discussed the #SpotitStopit campaign, which is a national behaviour change campaign spearheaded by DCS, UNICEF Kenya and LVCT Health amongst other partners to end violence against children. As a key player in prevention and responding to children violence, LVCT Health is committed to working with all stakeholders in ending violence against children in Kenya.

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