Tuesday, 21 November 2023| LVCT Health in collaboration with the Department of Children Services successfully published a groundbreaking study on the reductions in violence in Kenya 2010-2019.
The study scrutinizes the evolution of violence against violence (VAC) policies, interventions, and implementation mechanisms to shed light on key factors contributing to the decline in VAC prevalence.
Between 2010 and 2019, Kenya saw a 50% reduction in emotional violence, 40% reduction in physical violence and 50% in sexual violence.
The report dubbed “Kenya’s Journey Towards Protecting Children: A Decade of Change (2010-2019) investigates the factors behind these reductions in the prevalence of different forms of violence against children, particularly in sexual and physical violence.
Speaking during the launch of the study report, Mr. Joseph Motari, the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and Senior Citizens Affairs, reiterated government’s commitment in scaling up interventions to end violence against children citing the implementation of the Children Act 2022 as an cornerstone in this progress.
He said the ministry will continue to scale up child-inclusive social protection services, facilitate accessible child-friendly justice system and engage children as well as enhance mechanisms for online child protection.
“Through initiatives such as “Spot It, Stop It” campaign to end violence against children among others in different sectors the government have done commendable work in reducing child abuse cases, created awareness and championed for children rights,” said Motari adding that “effective inter-sectoral coordination and collaboration with other ministries, departments, agencies, development partners, the private sector and the community has proven to bear fruits.
“We are glad of the profound progress that we have made as a country. The findings of the study demonstrate that ending violence against children is possible,” said Dr Lilian Otiso, the Executive Director, LVCT Health reiterating the organization’s commitment in responding to all forms of violence in Kenya and beyond.
Dr. Lina Digolo, the Principal Investigator of the study noted that the efforts of the government and partners had revealed positive changes in the reduction of violence against children, challenges remain particularly in addressing unwanted attempted sexual activities among girls aged 13 to 17.

Some of the key study highlights show significant progress in updating legislation and policies, however, challenges persist in enforcement due to funding limitations. The study also showed improved quality of VAC services through human resource capacity building and refined data collection as well as reporting systems.
“Well, this is a remarkable step in the reduction of violence against children based on that data, but we are not yet there,” she said.
She called for a multi-faceted approach, collaboration among sectors, data-driven decision-making, and meaningful child participation in achieving lasting VAC prevention and response in Kenya.

The qualitative study on violence against children was conducted to examine the shifts in children’s experiences of violence in Kenya from 2010 to 2019.
The study explored violence against children policies and guidelines established during this period. It also reviewed the strategies and interventions employed and the coordination and implementation mechanisms, including building service providers’ capacity and strengthening information systems to reinforce violence against children prevention and response services.
The launch not only marks the conclusion of a report but the commencement of intensified efforts and renewed commitments. It propels us into a collective journey towards a safer, more loving world for every child.
Participants committed to carrying the momentum forward for impactful action in ending violence among children.
To learn more about the results of the report, click the link
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