LVCT Health

Kisii and Homabay Counties Hold Inaugural Quality Improvement Best Practice Conferences

LVCT Health, in partnership with the Departments of Health for Kisii and Homa Bay Counties, held its first Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Best Practice Conferences in Kisii and Homa Bay Counties.

The forums held in July and September offered a platform for sharing and cross-learning best practices in HIV prevention, care and treatment and mentorship activities across different health stakeholders within the two counties.

LVCT Health supports and strengthens health systems, improves the quality of care offered to clients and builds healthcare workers’ capacity across 34 counties in Kenya.

Healthcare workers from different cadres took the opportunity to showcase best practices in provision of quality health services while focusing on achieving the ambitious 95:95:95 targets to achieve AIDS epidemic control in Kisii and Homa Bay Counties.

Hon. Roselynn Omolloh, the County Executive for Health Committee, Homa Bay County and Gladys Aming’a, Chief Officer for Health, Kisii County graced the event. Keynote speakers from LVCT Health, Ministry of Health (National and County level) and other stakeholders were in attendance.

Reflecting on the theme of the day, ‘Improving Quality of Health Services through Teamwork and Innovation’ during the Inaugural Continuous Quality Improvement Best Practices Sharing and Learning Event, Gladys Aming’a, Chief Officer for Health, Kisii County, reminded the team that healthcare is a rapidly evolving field and that it was essential for the health care fraternity to identify new approaches in service delivery that yield significant impact and require minimum resources.

The conference was supported by LVCT Health’s #Vukisha95 project through the support of United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC. LVCT Health’s #Vukisha95 project is implementing sustainable, comprehensive and high-quality HIV prevention, care and treatment services in #Homa Bay and #Kisii Counties.


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