LVCT Health

Launch of the Naselica Centre of Excellence

In May, we partnered with the Kisumu County to launch the Naselica Centre of Excellence (CoE), the colourful event was graced by Dr. Mathew Owili, the Deputy Governor Kisumu County. The CoE has proved its status by attracting a host of guests from all over the world for learning and sharing experiences on Key populations (KP) programming.

“On behalf of the Governor, his cabinet and the people of the great county of Kisumu. We thank you for the gift of this wonderful facility. We appreciate the good work you are doing.” Remarked Dr. Mathew during the launch of the CoE

The Naselica CoE offers free, comprehensive and high quality services for prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. The CoE has been part of our innovative solutions to the HIV challenges identified in Kenya and focuses on the vulnerable and key populations (KPs) who are the key drivers of new HIV infections in Kisumu County.

The CoE works closely with the Kisumu county and NASCOP in ensuring that it offers high quality services, as a result of this the county recommends the CoE to all those interested in learning about HIV services to the Key populations. The guests range from university students, health care providers and development partners who come to learn on the different innovations used by the CoE.

The state of the art safe space, real time dashboard, pairing of HTS providers and peer educators to improve retesting, retention of clients on PrEP, Partner notification services (PNS), Violence response system for key populations and comprehensive condom programming are among the outstanding services the COE offers for learning.

“We are in Kisumu on a learning visit and were referred here by JTOORH – Kisumu’s main public hospital. I am impressed with the CoE’s stand-alone KP clinic and the safe space it offers” Luca, a student from Liezpig University Medical College, Germany.

The CoE targets the Key population who work during odd hours, to mitigate this the staff work in flexi hours, including working late hours, to reach and serve all the clients. Another attraction of the CoE is the modern safe space, which gives the Key population an opportunity and space to learn in a comfortable, friendly and safe space.

The CoE is funded by PEPFAR through the CDC Kenya and presents numerous opportunities for both learning and partnership opportunities.

In the next financial year, the COE will pilot the saturation strategy in western Kenya aimed at reducing new HIV infection, and 100 percent condom programming.

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