LVCT Health

LVCT Health awarded for COVID-19 innovation for protecting vulnerable adolescent girls

We are proud to have been nominated for the global Oscar Romero Award by Trocaire’s global office in recognition of innovations in reaching vulnerable girls during the COVID 19 pandemic. The Trócaire Romero Award is awarded each year to a person or organisation who has made an outstanding contribution to global justice.
The way that LVCT responded to the restrictions and challenges created by the COVID 19 pandemic clearly shows innovation, touches on key aspects of ensuring non-dependence of targeted beneficiaries on the project in the future and highlights the major element of mental health and well being, something that is often ignored or not given enough attention on many interventions.  Basically LVCT were able to re-strategized using the resources made available to them and worked to ensure that the gains previously made with this particularly vulnerable group were not lost, and found that the skills earlier on imparted on them helped them particularly through the pandemic.
During the COVID 19 period, LVCT Health disseminated key messages on the pandemic, SGBV(sexual and gender-based violence) prevention, response, linkage to services, RH and HIV messages. LVCT Health also provided mentorship to project beneficiaries (560 AGYW) during the pandemic. The mentorship was conducted by Programme staff and Community facilitators to equip AGYW with life skills to manage the pandemic situation including dealing with mental health issues. Provision of mentorship served as a safety net to the AGYW in that, compared to thousands of teenage pregnancies reported in the country during the pandemic, we had Zero pregnancies reported among AGYW in the Imara project, which can be attributed to the life skills and mentorship they received.

Further, on mentorship, LVCT Health supported the AGYW (adolescent girls and young women) in Siaya county to start income generation activities using readily available resources and opportunities. Over 50 AGYW started projects such as chicken rearing, arrowroots and vegetables farming, planting seedlings. The AGYW managed to sell their products and generate income that supported their personal and family basic needs. Engagement in the projects proved to be a great way of utilizing the girls’ time and cushioning them from potential sexual abuse if they were idle. It’s worth noting that the Trócaire/IA funded project did not provide any financial support to the AGYW, they used their own resources to set up and run the small projects.

Finally, LVCT Health introduced virtual/ online classes for the project beneficiaries where a professional teacher/ tutor would take the AGYW through the school syllabus. This was to ensure that the students remained engaged and up to date with school work despite the closure of schools due to the pandemic. Knowledge gained through online classes has also made it easy for the AGYW to settle down quickly when they resumed physical classes.

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