LVCT Health

Partnership For Sustainable Health Systems

Dr. Michae Audo, Project Director, Vukisha95 (2nd left), Dr. Kevin Osuri, Chief Officer for Health(rigDr. Michael Audo, Project Director of Vukisha95 (2nd left), Dr. Kevin Osuri, Chief Officer for Health (right), Dr. Lilian Otiso, Executive Director of LVCT Health (2nd right), and Hon. Roselynne Omolloh, CECM Health of Homa Bay County (3rd right) during the sub-grant agreement signing. 

LVCT Health’s Vukisha95 project leadership signed a sub-grant agreement with the Health Department of Homa Bay County as part of our support and partnership in strengthening health systems to enhance HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis prevention, care, and treatment services in the County.

The MoU was signed between Hon. Roselynne Omolloh, County Executive Committee Member for Health, Dr. Kevin Osuri, Chief Officer for Health and Dr. Michael Audo, Project Director, Vukisha95,  in the presence of Dr. Lilian Otiso, Executive Director, LVCT Health.

The agreement signifies LVCT Health’s continued contribution towards the County’s Health and HIV strategic plans to expand services at the community and facility levels and progress towards universal access to high-quality HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. The agreement further outlines the in-kind contributions provided by LVCT Health in support of HIV service delivery activities in the County.

LVCT Health supports the Human Resources for Health (HRH) employed by the County to perform duties related to HIV Prevention, Care, and Treatment of Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision (VMMC). These responsibilities are carried out within Comprehensive Care Centers, TB Clinics, Mother-Child Health (MCH) Clinics, Medical Laboratories, health records offices, and Key Population Drop-in Centers (DiCEs) integrated with Ministry of Health facilities.

LVCT Health’s Vukisha95 project has sub-granted the Homa Bay County Health Department to support 971 healthcare workers through the Human Resources for Health (HRH) program. This initiative aligns with the journey towards self-reliance, aiming for a seamless transition of HIV and TB services to the County. The goal is to ensure that HIV and TB management becomes County-owned, County-led, and County-funded, ultimately achieving sustainability, self-reliance, and improved health outcomes.

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