LVCT Health

Videos on ending children violence at home and in the community

In 2019, the Government of Kenya, with support from partners, including LVCT Health conducted a second Violence against children survey (VACS) to measure progress made since the 2010 VACS and identify emerging trends in violence against children.

The report shows the great progress made since the first VACS, including significant reductions in sexual, physical, and emotional violence in childhood; however, the report also highlights concerning trends on recent violence among adolescent girls ages 13-17, underscoring the importance of the sex- and age-disaggregated VACS data.

To sensitize the community on the findings of the VAC survey and help them to violence against children. LVCT Health with the financial support of CDC developed 4 videos.  The videos aim to alert the community on common ways in which children face violence, how they can stop the violence and signs of violence in children.

[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”CvchJ7jKL-0,mcIPDmzKTzw,2SBs_elp7tk,JkhFBTqO5VU” ]

Violence against children is a violation of the child’s right to protection and can have a range of devastating impacts. Exposure to violence, whether as a direct victim or a witness, not only causes immediate pain and suffering but can also damage the child’s long-term, development, behaviour and health into adulthood.

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