LVCT Health

The Gender and COVID-19 Research Project Technical brief: HOW TO CREATE A GENDER RESPONSIVE PANDEMIC PLAN

Outbreaks differentially affect men, women and non-binary genders. These appear between contexts and over time. However, public health efforts to contain an outbreak, and mitigate its secondary health and socio-economic impacts, remain hindered by a lack of real-time gender analysis. Gender analysis considers how women and men experience crises and respond differently based on biological factors, social roles, and power inequities. Gender inequities have been highlighted in past outbreaks and published post-crisis, however, have not offered real-time evidence to strengthen the public health response. COVID-19 is reproducing this gendered neglect.

This gender-responsive pandemic plan aims to help decision-makers to address gender disparities in pandemic preparedness, response, and recovery plans. Download full plan here

Anne Ngunjiri (Senior Technical Advisor – Gender-Based Violence Program) from LVCT Health, in collaboration with the Gender and COVID team co-authored a technical brief that:

  • Describes differences in the secondary economic, social, health, and security effects of pandemics across genders Outlines the process of creating a gender-responsive pandemic plan
  • Outlines the priority areas for action;
  • Has a Framework template that illustrates how to record related activities and key indicators
  • Provides recommendations on partnership and resources to support stakeholder efforts.

This global guidance can be adapted to suit specific contexts and the resources of different actors. By the end of this brief readers (decision/opinion/policymakers, implementers) should have a greater understanding of how attention to critical gender-related issues can facilitate the development of pandemic plans that are relevant and impactful

Additionally, LVCT Health is has received funds to conduct the ‘Gender and COVID study’ that aims to understand the gendered impact of COVID 19 on the health,

social and economic wellbeing of the women subpopulation. This research is complemented and supported by an international Gender Working Group which is a community of practice of people working on gender and COVID-19. The project is funded by Simon Fraser University.

Full gender-responsive  pandemic response plan citation: Rosser EN, Morgan R, Tan H, Hawkins K, Ngunjiri A, Oyekunle A, Schall B, Nacif Pimenta D, Tamaki E, Rocha M and Wenham C (2021) “How to Create a Gender-Responsive Pandemic Plan: Addressing the Secondary Effects of COVID-19.” Gender and COVID-19 Project.

For further information, contact Anne Ngunjiri, Senior Technical Advisor – GBV and VAC. LVCT Health

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