LVCT Health

First GBV Resource Centre Launched In Mombasa

LVCT Health’s GBV Snr. Technical Advisor Michael Gaitho (In a red T-shirt) shares IEC materials with the Mombasa County Governor Nassir and Chief Justice Martha Koome during the commissioning of GBV Rescue Centre

Mombasa County:  We were privileged to join the Chief Justice of Kenya, Martha Koome, Mombasa County Governor H.E. Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir, and other stakeholders for the groundbreaking ceremony of gender-based violence resource centre in Mwakirunge, Kisauni constituency, one of six constituencies in Mombasa County.

Through USAID Stawisha Pwani, LVCT Health is working with Mombasa County to improve the quality of HIV prevention, care and treatment services. 

GBV increases HIV risk directly and indirectly by limiting power to maintain healthy sexual relationships, refuse sex, negotiate condom use and through the impact of fear and trauma on help-seeking behaviours.

During the event, the Governor noted that the County continued to record high cases of gender-based violence. He called on stakeholders to foster a common and multifaceted approach to reducing GBV cases, particularly among the vulnerable populations: women, adolescent girls and boys.

Speaking during the commissioning of the Centre, Chief Justice Martha Koome lauded the Governor and all stakeholders present for their efforts in safeguarding the rights of women and adolescent girls who continue to bear the greatest burden of GBV.

“Today’s event is a testament to the Judiciary’s commitment to responding to cases of GBV not only here in Mombasa but across Kenya,” said Koome. 

The project engages health service providers and offers training on how they can offer GBV prevention and treatment services.

Over the last one year, the project has supported the coastal counties (Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi and Taita Taveta) to reach 13,966 individuals with GBV prevention and treatment services. 

The Centre will serve as a safe space for survivors of #GBV and community engagement, awareness campaigns, and capacity-building in the response of #GBV cases in the county.

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