LVCT Health


Interview with Linet

In January 2022, Health Systems Global (HSG) and the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (The Alliance), in close collaboration with Health Policy and Planning, invited applications from early-career women based in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) working on health policy and systems research (HPSR), looking to publish their research for the first time in a global peer-reviewed journal, but […]


LVCT Health Ink New Partnership with Nyeri County for Sustainable Health Systems

Nyeri 27 July 2023: LVCT Health signed a partnership agreement with the County Government of Nyeri to strengthen HIV/TB prevention and treatment services in the county. The agreement will promote collaboration between the County Government of Nyeri, the Department of Health Services, Public Health and Sanitation, and LVCT Health in the areas of health system strengthening […]


County Transition Meeting

In the spirit of journey to self-reliance, LVCT Health’s Vukisha95 project conducted a two-days orientation meeting with the Homa Bay County Health Management Team, Members of the Homa Bay County Assembly, County Public Service Board as well as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to deliberate on context-specific transition planning for HIV/TB services in […]


Scaling up Sexual Reproductive Health and Gender-Based Violence Matters Through Digital Health Platforms

According to a survey by the Pew Research Centre, as of 2021, 95% of teenagers (ages 13-17) in the United States had access to a smartphone, and 89% of those teenagers used social media. The same survey found that 45% of teenagers were online “almost constantly.” Despite the widespread availability of the internet, there are […]


LVCT Health launches CATALYST Study to pave way for new HIV Prevention Options for Women

Kisumu County: LVCT Health, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, officially launched the #CATALYST (Catalyzing Access to New Prevention Products to Stop HIV), a MOSAIC (Maximizing Options to Advance Informed Choice for HIV Prevention) flagship product introduction study.  The study seeks to provide and assess for an enhanced service delivery package that includes oral […]


Menstrual Health Application launched in Kenya

Menstrual Health Application launched in Kenya Adolescent girls and young women in Kenya can now track their menstrual periods using their mobile phones following the launch of “Oky Kenya”,- a menstrual health and period tracker app through a  partnership between UNICEF, LVCT Health and the Government of Kenya. The first-of-its-kind period tracker app in Kenya […]


LVCT Health marks 20 years anniversary of impact in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya, April 20,2023: LVCT Health celebrated 20 years of rich history, journey and progress towards delivering health outcomes in Kenya and beyond. The 20th anniversary celebration was the first since its inception following the establishment of the first three Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) sites in Kenya. In an evening filled with pomp and colour, […]

Jane Thiomi (far left), Associate Director of HIV Prevention and GBV, LVCT Health, addressing the Kerugoya Court Users Committee on types of violence during the training CategoriesUncategorized

Using the Courts to End Violence against children in Kirinyaga County

The 2019 Violence Against Children (VAC) Survey results established that violence against children is still prevalent. Through the State Department of Social Protection – Department of Children Services, the Government has developed a National Prevention and Response Plan (2019-2023) to reduce VAC prevalence by 40%. Kenya has committed to working towards ending all forms of […]