LVCT Health

Research Team.

Dr. Lilian Otiso

Dr Lilian Otiso is a Kenyan medical doctor currently pursuing an MBA in Health Care Management at Strathmore Business School. Lilian has over 10 years’ clinical and programming experience in government and NGO sectors.  She has designed and delivered integrated HIV programmes and services, strengthened systems for community health in Kenya through the MOH and local organizations and manages large grants and sub contracts with implementing partners.

She oversees LVCT Health’s PEPFAR and Global Fund portfolio of over US$7 million annually that delivers a range of services, training, quality improvement technical expertise and policy support for community HIV and other related services. She is a member of several national technical working groups in community health, HIV and quality improvement. Lilian carries out health systems, HIV and Gender Based Violence research as outlined in the projects below where she is currently/ has been principal investigator She is the current chair of the Health Systems Global (HSG) Thematic Working Group on Community Health Workers which has a global membership of 170.